Best Ku bak recipe with prawns | DoramasQueen

Ku bak is a variation of the noodle tortilla, ropavieja, or as with various other cuisines, it is designed to bring back the leftovers. At the same time, it is a healthy, delicious, and rich meal instead of throwing away the ingredients. This is why, at first, leftover rice was either fried or toasted before being incorporated with fish broth, broth, or other vegetables to create the recipe we call Ku Bak.

Although you could find the right ingredients specifically for this recipe, however, we encourage you to take part in the process of making it using whatever ingredients you have in your kitchen so that you don’t experience two Ku bak that are the same. In this recipe, you’ll get step-by-step instructions so that you can make it consistently delicious.
Do not forget to prepare Ku Bak with Chinese shrimp. Continue reading and learn how to cook along with us!

3 diners 45m high difficulty
Additional features: Medium-cost suggested for weight loss, LactoseFree Recipe, Sugar-free recipe, Gluten-free recipe, Salt-free recipe, Baked recipes

Ingredients for making Ku Bak using prawns

  1. 120 grams of fresh shrimp
  2. 1 carrot
  3. 1 onion
  4. 1/2 Red bell pepper
  5. Half green bell pepper
  6. 1 tablespoon ginger powder
  7. 1 cup of fine long rice that has been cooked (1 small well cooked)
  8. 3 Tablespoons Soy sauce.
  9. 1 tablespoon of olive oil

How do you make Ku Bak with prawns?

  1. The first step in making the Chinese Kubak dish is to prepare the rice using 3 times the volume of liquid in the time stated on the package. Then, strain it and cool it by covering it with cold water. If you had rice cooked and make this recipe again in a different manner, follow the second step.
  2. Once your rice is cool, spread it out on the baking sheet lined with parchment. Then, toast it in the oven at low for approximately 30 minutes while you proceed with the cooking of your Ku bak using shrimps.
  3. As the rice starts cooking, prepare the stir-fry. For the following, she peels and chops one garlic clove. Please bring it to a skillet at a high temperature to add flavor to the oil.
  4. Incorporate the shrimp as well as the ginger. We remind you that shellfish can be cooked or frozen so long as they’re cleaned. After approximately 5 minutes, they will appear slightly golden. Remove the shells and keep them in a safe place.
  5. Then, saute the onion in the same cooking liquid until it turns transparent and takes on a hue.
  6. In the bowl, add the chopped bell peppers in both colors, and the peeled carrot, cut into cubes. After that, reduce the temperature to medium, and cook the veggies until they’re tender.
  7. If needed, add a little hot water to ensure that your vegetables do not become stuck and cook. So the final product of your Ku bak containing shrimp will be more nutritious.
  8. If the veggies of the kulak are cooked as you would like, add the prawns you cooked along with that soy sauce. Sauté all the ingredients for about 1 minute to cook and blend the flavors.
  9. Serve the Ku bak along with the rice that has been fried and sauteed Prawns. Then you can taste the delicious Ku bak! Are you brave enough to enjoy it with chopsticks? Let us know what you thought about this dish and who you’d like to enjoy it with. If you decide to make this recipe, don’t forget to share the outcome picture by leaving a comment. If you like this recipe of Kubak with Prawns, we recommend you check out the Baking Rice recipes category.

Kubak chino

As you’ve seen and in many dishes from this region, the primary characteristic of Ku bak containing shrimp is its abundance of flavor and the variety of vegetables. We also want to point out that if you are looking to experiment with other variations for this meal, you could substitute chicken, squid, or beef in place of shrimp because, as we stated in the first part of this recipe, the goal is to make use of what you have on hand. Incorporating other vegetables like cabbage or zucchini in traditional Chinese stir-fries is also possible.

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