Lawmakers Raised Concerns Over Worsening Situation in Swat | DoramasQueen

In the National Assembly session on Wednesday, MPs expressed concern over the worsening situation in Swat – where civilians have taken to the streets in recent days to protest the escalating violence.

What is happening in Pakistan is not terrorism. That is terrorism. The PPP senator attacked violent elements for “hiding their nefarious plans behind religion”. “Sorry, this is a power struggle, not a religion struggle, I dare say.”

Recalling that the PPP was earlier an ‘easy target’ in its condemnation of terrorism. I again. “This is our country and we must protect it.” “Everyone should be convinced by the progress of the operation,” he said, adding that terrorism has resumed and is moving in that direction.

“Pakistan has paid a huge price [to fight terrorism] in the past and there have been many successful initiatives which have been recognized by the whole world.

“Now, the TTP (Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan) is emerging. But with what force and in what form? Pakistani citizens? Are they unarmed?” When asked, he said, show me the proof.

Earlier in his speech, he said there could be no “long-term, productive relationship” with terrorism.

“A terrorist is a terrorist, and he’s one when he’s got weapons. And if he’s willing to talk to you, he has certain conditions.”

Whenever such issues are discussed, there are no weapons.

The PPP senator recalled many incidents of terrorism and dealing with terrorists was beyond his understanding.

He said that he is positive for talks with terrorists and he will work within the framework of Pakistan’s constitution. He said that the joint meeting of the council was organized during the regime of CPN. Strategies against terrorists.

He said that he will call a meeting of the joint parliament again.

Earlier, Defense Minister Khawaja Asif had appealed to sit on other important issues on the Swat situation.

He reminded that a similar situation was faced in Swat 11 to 12 years ago when the residents of Swat protested against exiting Islamabad.

Expressing regret, he said that after a gap of 12 to 13 years, such a situation has arisen today, not with the speed and gravity of a decade ago.

But he said that it is a positive thing that the people of Swat are united without discrimination and political differences.

He also warned that whatever happens in Swat and elsewhere, the fire will reach us.

Fake competition in Balochistan
Earlier in the meeting, Balochistan National Party-Mengal (BNP-M) leader Sardar Akhtar Mengal referred to various incidents of killing of innocent people and accused them of portraying them as terrorists.

He specifically mentioned that the Balochistan Anti-Terrorism Squad had killed three missing persons in a fake encounter in Keran on Monday.

The BNP-M has warned that the problem, which has long plagued Balochistan, has reached a “tipping point” for many Balochistan youths.

“Such tactics can eliminate what you call terrorists, but no nuclear power in the world can eliminate the hatred you have instilled.”

He demanded the formation of a high-level judicial inquiry committee headed by a Supreme Court judge to probe the ‘fake encounters’ in Balochistan, particularly the Ziarat, Mastung and Kharan cases.

Responding to Mengle, Asif described the issue as “a wound of the state that has been bleeding for years”. He warned that ignoring or denying them would harm any nation.

He agreed that the problem has been around for years and needs to be addressed.

He said that when will we take all this off our shoulders? The weight is increasing day by day. Balochistan has had a low-intensity insurgency for years that needs attention. He said that dialogue is necessary.

Criticizing the state government on the issue, the minister said that neither the state nor the central government has the right to form the government if the problems of the people cannot be resolved.

He said that this matter cannot be closed and the council should also take this matter seriously.

He urged the “political union” to take the initiative and prioritize solving the problem.

Asif said security issues should not be dealt with in a ‘transactional way’ and permanent solutions should not be sought.

He said that the federation should take the initiative in this regard and look into Mengele’s concerns. “If not today, the next generation will have to deal with this problem. They are watching us.”

He said that the corporation is responsible for solving the problems of the state.

Asif concluded, “This issue needs to be addressed at the highest level.

Sherry, on his part, called for the establishment of a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” to resolve the Balochistan issue.

“We need to listen to regional leaders and hear some hard truths,” he said.

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