Who can Replace British Premier Liz Truss? | DoramasQueen

British Prime Minister Liz Truss has vowed to lead Britain’s Conservatives into the next election – in two years’ time – but after a disastrous six weeks in Downing Street, many doubt she will last much longer. will remain the leader until.

Who could replace UK’s under-fire premier Liz Truss?

Here are the main contenders to take over.

Rishi Changi

Truss easily defeated the former chancellor in this summer’s Tory leadership contest, winning over party members with promises to cut taxes and regulations without reining in government spending.

Sink, 42, warned that his plan to fund the projects with additional debt was irresponsible and would damage market confidence from high inflation in Britain and decades of high inflation.

Now that he has been proven right – and Truss has abandoned his plans to replace his former finance minister with Fed supporter Jeremy Hunt – some believe he is set for a Truss victory. Best Conservative MP ever

Sink, who won the support of many Tory MPs in the early stages of the recent leadership contest, is believed to still have strong support within the parliamentary party.

A new YouGov poll on Tuesday found Truss the best rated of the neglected alternatives – but with an overall net favorability rating of -18.

But now he is seen as a separatist. Many members of the party, who ultimately decide who leads the party, are reluctant to condole the departure of former prime minister Boris Johnson.

Boris Johnson

The former prime minister resigned after months of controversy over the resignation of Sink and others from a weakened government following a coup between his cabinet and Tory MPs.

A number of strong signals from Johnson fueled speculation that he would make one last comeback attempt – with some believing it would be sooner rather than later.

Brexit’s charismatic figure has always been popular with Conservative MPs and a section of the party, but his scandal-plagued three-year tenure has badly damaged his brand among the wider electorate.

A Ukoff poll on Tuesday found the 58-year-old more popular than Truss. However, nearly two-thirds of those asked had a negative opinion of them.

Johnson has kept a low profile since resigning, giving a paid speech in the US last week, but his comments on Britain’s ongoing crisis are no sign of that.

He is believed to have supported Truss in the summer leadership contest – although his former top aide, the commentator Dominic Cummings, argued that his tenure would be disastrous and short-lived, leaving him The way back will be smooth. .

Jeremy Hunt

Truss is one of two candidates in the Tories’ former leadership race to become the new finance minister. He lost to Johnson in the 2019 runoff and finished last on the first ballot for lawmakers that year.

But his appointment to the government’s second most powerful post brought the former foreign secretary out of the political jungle and into the center, and his credible performance strengthened his position.

Some have suggested that Hunt – a former businessman who enjoys considerable support from the party’s right wing – could emerge as a potential coalition candidate as Conservative lawmakers plot to oust Truss.

But the 55-year-old will have a smaller Democratic mandate than most rivals, likely fueling calls for a general election which – based on recent polls – the Tories will lose by a landslide.

Benny Mordant

The current cabinet member came within eight votes of defeating Truss in a run-off against the favorite and Sunak at the start of Johnson’s second term.

The former defense secretary and businessman is popular with the Tory grassroots, a staunch Brexit supporter and a key figure in the 2016 “Leave” campaign.

But he has faced criticism from conservative allies in recent leadership contests, with some accusing him of incompetence in his previous government role.

Mordant’s profile rose this week when he was sent to caucus on Monday to answer urgent questions from Labor rivals about the latest financial crisis in parliament.

Despite insisting the prime minister “wasn’t under the table” – in response to accusations of covering up the truth – Mordant was bested by a fiery House of Commons.

Reports on Tuesday said the 49-year-old’s senior partner had held private talks with Sink last week about forming an alliance ticket, but the former finance minister turned down the offer as he did not want to be a junior partner.

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